
 After the Arthropods the Molluscs are the most successful of the animal phyla in terms of numbers of species. There are about 110,000 species known to science most of which are marine. They occupy a vast range of habitats however both aquatic and terrestrial, from the arctic seas to small tropical streams and from valleys to mountainsides 7,000 metres high, there are a few adapted to live in deserts and some are parasitic.    

They also exhibit an enormous range in size, from species which are almost microscopic to the largest of all invertebrates the giant squid which can weighs 270 kg and measures up to 12 metres long in the body, with tentacles as much as another 50 metres in length. Many species are common and many more a beautiful. Most species secrete a shell of some sort, these shells are long lasting and have been collected by human beings for thousands of years, some of these shells, and the pearls which come from oysters, which are also molluscs may be among the earliest forms of money.

Etymology:- From the Latin Molluscus meaning soft of body.

Characteristics of Mollusca:- 
1)Bilaterally symmetrical. 
2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs. 
3)Body without cavity. 
4)Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus.
5)Body monomeric and highly variable in form, may possess a dorsal or lateral shells of protein and calcareous spicules. 
6)Has a nervous system with a circum-oesophagal ring, ganglia and paired nerve chords. 
7)Has an open circulatory system with a heart and an aorta. 
8)Has gaseous exchange organs called ctenidial gills. 
9)Has a pair of kidneys. 
10)Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic. 
11)Feed a wide range of material.

Adapted from
   designed and written by Mr Gordon Ramel 

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